Tuesday, 8 October 2019

The Allure of Failure...

It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

~Bill Gates

Today is Vijaya Dashami (8th of Oct, 2019).

As my fingers are ricocheting against velvety keyboard, my shut windows are doing their best to insulate the happy sounds of Visarjan. At present I can hear two kinds of sounds. One, the energetic dhol exciting me to dance. While the second is my typing sound (my weird pleasure). Clear thoughts indeed require time to flow, the right setting and also the willingness. The result is this, my new anecdote. 

The question that inspires me to get up and write is....
"Why don't we celebrate failures?"

Every incident in this new form of kitchen chronicle will be a baptism of fire to a better kitchen chronicle of the future. Just bear with me, please...

Episode 1: Not a clichéd egg pun!


"Enough with the puns!" My paradoxical brain negotiating with me. "Okay, I won't pun."

The Toque Blanche (white chef hat)  signifies the hierarchy in an orthodox French kitchen. The pleats on it indicate the number of ways that chef can cook an egg.

Some while ago, I learned a new way to cook eggs. I can add one more pleat, maybe... I will.

The internet loves eggs. Not to forget the brown egg (Is it racist to call it brown?) vs. Kylie Jenner on Instagram... (My second favorite battle after T-series vs. Pewdiepie). 

Why would I call the above beauty a failure? It's because of many reasons. Let's list the prominent ones down below.

  • I was doubtful in the recipe, because there was no recipe to begin with! The recipe was behind an internet paywall and I wanted to try something uncertain. (Expecting the unexpected / How not to call oneself a miser 101)
  • I messed up while removing and transferring the cooked omelette out.
  • It was intimidating to strain the water from the omelette. It could have gotten squished, so... I couldn't get rid of the excess moisture.
  • Another rookie mistake. I fumbled while I was about to roll/fold it after putting the cheese in it.

Here, you can visit the instigator of this thought:- https://www.chefsteps.com/activities/the-boiled-omelette

Should I be ashamed of myself of calling me a culinary enthusiast? Nah... At the very least, these setback are edible. So I can satiate my hunger with the failures. (Gluttonous for eggs, ain't I?) 

To all my non-Indian fans (I know you exist), Vijaya Dashami or Dussehra is the day when the evil is burned. It is also the tenth day after nine holy nights of celebration.

In this festive season, I ask myself (and everyone reading), why don't we celebrate failures? The answer to this is more of a self-discovery, at least to me personally. Thus I want to break the taboo by enjoying my failed experiments, sharing it with the world with no filters of shame (A bit of image editing filters for sure) in this new series of kitchen chronicles.

This Dussehra, I will kill the evil of sloth and share my lamest flops.

Happy Dussehra to all my lovely readers 😍😜

(One question to the grammar nazis. Is "Celebrating failures" an example of Oxymoron?)

Thanks for reading.......