Friday, 16 March 2018

My encounter with Ms. Mentha.

After a long-long break, I came to my senses which gave me a thirst to write on this page.

My readers, I made a new friend and she is a lady (this line contradicts!).

Let me describe her, even though judging a lady can only be done by a lady. Still I will try my best.

When I met her, I had already lost my sense of perception. I had a fresh aroma down my nostrils, my eyes were addicted to her green beauty. I felt that I really lost all my fatigue and her fresh aura was the 8th wonder I saw in my short span of 1.6 decade.

She beared the name Piperita Mentha. But later she gave me the authority to call her Pepper. It took her a zeptosecond to grasp my humour and I enjoyed watching her laugh. She told me about her ancestral origin and she is the descendent of the Spear and Water Clans from Europe.

Later. Suddenly, I felt my right fingers full of burn scars. It seemed as if I had grabbed a hot-sizzling wok with my fingers. I sustained the pain. My clothes became sweaty and the temperature was too high. There was no hope for a breeze of cool air. I fainted... while she worried for me.

I opened my eyes. I was in my kitchen. The fan was switched off and the exhaust was stuck. I finally realized that it was a short dream because I was holding a knife in my right and a bunch of mint leaves in my left hand. The gas was on and the wok was being heated. Still I had burn scars on my fingers. This was a hallucination, a trickery by my sub-consciousness.

25 minutes later, I ended up with this...
My first ever dish with mint. Szechuan Noodles with lots of veggies. I had used mint while sauteing the veggies as well as in for garnish. This resulted into a new dimension of flavors.