Thursday 27 July 2017

Apple-Lemon Meringue Pie | 'Facing Difficulties' - Explained by the Philosophical Chef.

 Let me have a quick review. Pie with soft meringue on top. There was a smoky flavor of the meringue. The crunchy pie crust and the lemony filling was heavenly.

Before Baking

After Baking

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

(Narrator: We have another 'case' for the Philosophical Chef)

Difficulties in life are unavoidable. Tough decisions must be made at the right moment to encounter the difficulties.

I follow a simple way that helps me in my Culinary Laboratory. Replacing the word ‘difficult’ with ‘challenging’ changes our perspective towards hardships.
For example-
Rather than saying “This dish is difficult to master”, I say “This dish is quiet challenging to master”. This slight change in our perception has a deep effect in our sub-conscious mind and it will make myself ready to face the situation. 

The 99% of humans have mistaken “Challenges” as “Difficulties”. Assuming our issues as “Challenges” is an effective method to push ourselves and break our limitations. Sometimes ‘Being Optimistic’ makes our life easier.

Friday 14 July 2017

Banoffee hand pie with caramel sauce | Debut of the 'Entrepreneur' Chef.

True entrepreneurship comes only from risk-taking.
-Dhirubhai Ambani

(Meet the Entrepreneur Chef)
Its been a decade for me to blog. Well, I was quite distracted from my professional gameplay. But now I am focused...(Actually I am still possessed by some mere distractions on Facebook). Today I am inspired by Dhirubhai Ambani

Risks are inevitable for a person seeking success. This era is well-known for Start-ups. Start-ups are something regarded as RISKS so only the 1% can take such decisions. Many of the top companies were once RISKS taken by someone with a strong will

Anything can happen to us, anytime, anywhere. We must ready ourselves to face the situation. Bad situations are inevitable and unpredictable. Having a risky situation can result into good or bad. Its a 50-50 probability. But, good can only happen if we risk ourselves. Doing a 'Not so risky' job will make us lazy and eventually unhappy.

 A Finger-Food version of a pie. Made from whole wheat flour and margarine. Filled with melted Toffee and Banana mixture.

Super crunchy from outside and sweet from inside, truly magical. Must be dipped in caramel for extra magic. While baking, some of the filling had oozed out and I became a little worried about that. But when came out from the scorching oven, there was caramelized goodness everywhere. 

I cannot resist the gorgeous browning over the skin of the pie. It makes it look rustic.

Stay tuned for more Entrepreneur Chef

Sunday 2 July 2017

Baked Veg Cutlets and 'Decoding the CHANGE'

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." 
 -Charles Darwin

(Meet the Philosophical Chef, a side hidden behind the bars of ego and shyness)

There are many reasons why Homo Sapien Sapiens differ from the rest of the creatures on this planet. We, as the dominant species on Earth have evolved a unique ability called ‘Awareness’.

(Leaving without reading makes you unAWARE of the fact that you aren’t a Human)

The inheritance of being aware has been developed due to our survival. This kind of Adaptation or Evolution or Change has been pointed as  ‘Natural Selection’ by Charles Darwin. (Thank God! My 10th Grade science helped me at least for my Blogging)

(My inner voice says, “Darwin, thank you for providing me with some hints for my 56th Blog.”)

CHANGE is damn crucial, right from our very existence. It is needed by us still in the 21st Century.

We all know CHANGE is difficult. It is hard because our minds are wired to follow a routine, regardless it is good or not so good…(Think Positive)

We are trapped in a Comfort zone and outside, our philosophy, opinions and beliefs are challenged. Though it is damn painful, a whole new life is waiting for us at the doorstep. Discovering SELF can only be done by tough decisions which can be regretful if you don’t change now.

Baked Veg Cutlets. Crunchy, smoky, perfectly balanced flavors and the most important - used approximately the half amount of oil which would have been required to deep fry them. Its always better to compromise the oil for 25 minutes of baking. Yes, it was indeed time consuming but less oil with better experience, makes me in the positive side.

Stay tuned for more...

For more such Philosophy by Guru Abhinandan, follow my blogs. Comment down below for Guru-Dakshina.

Saturday 1 July 2017

Baked Spaghetti with Potatoes and Marinara Sauce...

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

(If u just saw this pic then u are included in the 80% people)

‘PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE’ is like a maze in which the minds of countless souls are scattered and lost. Even the most educated and the most intelligent souls wander around in this maze of TIME...(Meet the Spiritual Chef, another side of me)

Right from the day we set our foot at school, we learn about TIME as the most valuable, intangible object.

TIME is a concept which is scientifically unknown to man. We are unable to crack the mysteries of TIME yet we see ourselves doing TIME TRAVEL in a distant FUTURE...(Again we get deeper in the maze I mentioned above)

I really don’t get why people are anxious about their PAST and FUTURE. Yes, it is a vital element but diverging ourselves from our responsibilities and goals is entirely wrong.

‘LEARN from your past, PLAN for the future and EXECUTE it now’ is a guru-mantra which is obediently followed by the wise men...(ACTION is the only word I can think of while in the kitchen, everything else is a deadly oasis, set up by THE LAZY ME.)

(If u read all of this then you are the rest 20%)

This post has nothing unique with respect to the culinary world but is damn unique to me. This was first of its kind. I have nothing more to say about the classic savory baked spaghetti. This was the reason to talk this much about time and wasting our time.

"Uniqueness is nothing what other people think and reward you with, it is you who must decide."
 -Abhinandan Mukherjee
(Can this be a quote. Comment me YOUR views)

Be sure to follow me on the social media, for more such "Unraveling of wise topic like TIME which are lost in time" and frank conversations. If you want to again see the Spiritual Chef, comment down below...(Only the Wise are permitted to interact with me)